
By jojobunny


After months of searching for a moose to shoot, today I got lucky!

My husband bought a bull moose call, which he took with him today to try and call in a moose, so I could take a picture of him.
We were driving up and down "moose alley" in Pittsburg, NH, searching. Every once in a while we would pull into a logging road and Vin would call the moose. This is the "rut" season, and the bull moose are searching for a mate.
The moose call looks like a small megaphone with a reed on the end. When you blow into it, it sounds like a female (cow) moose, thus attracting the bull.
But, after several times, nothing happened.
We continued down the road and suddenly a big bull moose was crossing the road in front of me. I grabbed the camera, but he was fast, so I got a blurry image.
Vinny took out the moose call, rolled down the window and gave it a good try. The bull moose stopped in his tracks, turned and looked at us! He stayed long enough to figure out we were not another moose!
Then, off he ran!
I was so happy to finally get this blip!

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