We will remember them

From the left - the smaller white stone. Lt Kenneth Oakley, Probationary Observer, RNAS. He died in an aircrash on 23/10/1917. He was 18.

Then Flight Lt Leslie Hardstaff (RNAS). He was an aero tester for the Admiralty and was killed when the tail broke away from his Sopwith Triplane, at about 100 ft, during a speed test on 28/10/1916.

Finally in this shot Squadron Commander Aylmer Bettington (RNAS) who died on 12/09/1917 when his Avro 504B crashed while landing after a flight from Eastbourne.

There are other war graves in this tiny churchyard including that of Rifleman Daniel Holkham (3rd Battalion The Rifles) who was killed on 27/03/2010 by a suicide bomber just outside the Sangin bazaar in Afghanistan. He was 19.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

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