
By pattons6

Tomato soup

Can you tell I love my tomato soup? I had some soft bread dipped in the soup too. I wanted more but mummy said no it was medicine time. I ate all of that up too. So of course I got the soup I wanted as I kept opening my mouth when mummy was having her soup.

As you can see I had a lazy morning -I had my lunch still in jammies. Mummy and daddy on the other hand had a very busy morning. Garage gutted this morning, livingroom tidied, trip to the recycling centre all before lunch.

Grandma and grandad arrived in the afternoon. I only seen grandad for a little while as he was fixing our loft hatch. Daddy fell through it last week and broke the ladder on the way down, mummy said he was lucky not to break his neck. So today grandad fixed it with daddy helping a little bit.

Once finished I got to play with him too. But I had lots of fun playing with mummy and grandma. I was in my tunnel, knocking down towers of bricks then playing with pennies.

Once they had gone I had a little snooze. So I'm not that tired now its bedtime. Still the advantage is I got to taste mummy's pudding.

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