Just like mummy

Today I wanted to be just like mummy. Mummy went to meet a friend from work while I was at playgroup. I had great fun. I made a special painted paper plate and a big painting too.

When mummy got back I didn't want to leave her side. Daddy was going to take me out for a play in the park and a walk but I wanted to stay at home in the cosy with mummy. I held on to her and wouldn't let her go.

This afternoon I have been a bit grumpy. Very tired but grumpy. Mummy thinks it is a reaction to my flu immunisation, she is hoping its that instead of my sisters sickness bug. We have been kept apart so hopefully I will miss out as well as mummy as we are not allowed to take anything to help us feel better.

After dinner I was happy to go to bed after medicine. Hopefully this will help me feel better. In my picture I am wearing mummy's slippers and taking her handbag for a walk.

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