As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

NYSPHSAA Cross Country State Championships

Here I am. Here we are.

Timmy, Bouch, and I woke up a little after 6:00, packed up the room, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Our bus left the hotel at 7:30 to get to the course in time for the Class C race. It was cold, but not as bad as yesterday. We camped out inside the cafeteria and emerged just in time to see Schloth's awesome finish! Peter came to warm-up with us, and before we knew it, the race was upon us.

The gun went off at 10:15. I took it out at a strong but steady pace, and once I got into the woods, I began working to pick people off one by one. I hit the first mile marker in 5:00 and was feeling strong, but I ran the first hill silly and lost some momentum. By the time I reached the second mile marker, I was at 10:45 but feeling good. I powered up the second hill really well and began to pick more people off. I ran hard and once I exited the woods, it was go-time. With about 555 meters until the end, I picked up the pace and started to catch kids. I pushed around the last bend and passed three more kids before crossing the line with a 28 second PR of 16:52! I can't even describe how great it felt to hear that time after I finished.

The rest of the team had mixed feelings about their results. We cooled down together and then got some lunch before running into the woods to cheer on the girls. Megan ran out of her mind, with a HUGE PR of 18:39!!! She came in 20th overall for Class B and earned All-State honors as a freshman! Avery had a GREAT PR too, running 19:31! I'm so proud of both of them!

We all went inside for the awards ceremony before straggling back to the bus. Mrs. Wilk's brownies made the first two hours of the ride go by quickly. We stopped for dinner/lunch in Kingston, and I spent the whole time in a small room with vending machines to charge my phone. No regrets.

Two hours later, we ended up back at Great Neck South High School; the weekend was over. I will never forget the time I spent with these guys at States.

I went to Max's house for a little to be with the team and thank them for TP-ing my house. I love them.

And just like that, the regular season is over. Unforgettable.

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