As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


A little pre-race day selfie for all y'all out there.

Apparently, the one day we miss, Wantagh goes into a two hour lockdown due to a gun threat. Glad I wasn't there for that.

Woke up bright and early to get to Great Neck South for the bus to States. Timmy's dad drove a few of us and we all hopped on the bus and got moving. It was a long bus ride, but we had a ton of fun in the back of the bus. Timmy, Sparky, Joe, Peter, Weilep, and I talked for most of the ride there. We all slept after the disappointing lunch stop.

We got to the course around 12:00. After stretching for a bit, we went our for our run on the course. It. Is. Beautiful. This course at Queensbury has to be the most beautiful and most well-marked course in the state. It's pretty much flat except for two extreme hills. Nothing unmanageable.

We made a break for the clothing stand and I'm glad we did. They sold out of the popular sizes very quickly.

At 2:00, we drove to the hotel, checked in, had a meeting, and then got cleaned up for dinner. The door to our room didn't work, so some guy spent two hours working on it. A bunch of us hung around and told stories until it was time to head to the country club.

Dinner was sub-par. Great bread but not enough, cold pasta, and small tables.

They moved us to a room with a working door, but now the light for the hotel sign shines directly into our room and we don't have curtains.

Frazer had some crazy bug bite so she went to the ER. When she got back, we had our team meeting and when that was done, a bunch of the guys came to our room to watch some basketball.

Now, at 9:30, we're all in bed and resting up for tomorrow's race.

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