
By Wendywoo2

Little things mean a lot

Well got home to this delightful looking dinner that my husband lovingly made me!! After today definitely being a Monday a work - tired staff and tired children it's been a long and tiring day!!!

Although a treat for today was taking some of our forces children (5 in all) to a local park where they had set aside a piece of land to plant some poppy seeds. Today being Armistice Day the children had the opportunity to scatter the seeds which will become poppies during august which will mark the anniversary of the First World War. They felt honoured to be part of this special day. I always am humbled by our young children - they show their mark of respect well during the 2 minute silence during our remembrance assembly for children so young and ask some poignant questions.

This week I have my birthday to look forward to on wed - although won't do a lot on the day to celebrate but will do something on Saturday as I can enjoy it more! Any suggestions would be helpful to add a little variety!!!!

So this week has started and am hoping that things continue to tick on by! Although today has been hard it's done and dusted now! So tomorrow to look forward too. This dinner has made today all worth while (sorry it's yet more food)!!!

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