
By dfb24


This morning when I left for work it was 45 degrees & felt really comfortable. But look what happened while I was at work!! I came out the door with my spring jacket on, & the frigid air hit me like a sledgehammer!! My car, although in the structure, was up against the outer edge, so it was covered in an ice/snow mixture! So there I am, no gloves, no scarf, no scraper, freezing to death trying to clear off my car! When I got home & complained to my husband he said "Well, what did you expect--it's November", & I said "I expected the snow to hold off until Dec.!!" .....Starting REALLY early this year!! On a different note, with all the Veteran memorials over the weekend, just had to add that I saw a story today about the U.S.'s oldest living veteran, at 107 years old! His key to longevity...."whiskey, cigars, & staying out of trouble". Believe it or not, he's on no medications except an occasional aspirin, & says he keeps moving & doesn't watch TV! (he fought in WWII ) Bless him, & all the other vets!! :)

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