Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

One Show

Another nice day off work today. A lazy morning after seeing the boys off to school, then Brian and I had a drive out to Bleakholt Animal Shelter in Edenfield. It was so sad to see how many dogs/cats/rabbits/guinea pigs and goats have come to be in the shelter for various reasons. The main breed of dog for re-homing were staffies or staffie crosses. There were some very lovable animals in there but there is no room at my inn, unfortunately. We bought some goodies from the gift shop and that contributes to their welfare in a small way.

We discovered another tea room on the way home and I had the biggest fresh cream and strawberry cake EVER...didn't last long enough for me to blip it!!

As soon as the boys got home from school, we rushed off into Bolton to see the Christmas lights switch on....the One Show live from the town centre...and the fireworks for the Christmas switch on. There was a fair crowd there and a good atmosphere. The One Show guests were Amir Khan and Alfie Boe. As we were leaving the town centre....Amir Khan was chatting to fans so I shook his hand and he was so down to earth: "Hiya, you alright?" and Rowan shook his hand too so we were thrilled.

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