Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower

Misty morning

I took this photo on my way to work. It was a beautiful misty morning.

My day has gone well apart from a major technological break down. My personal laptop is very ill (it wouldn't even let me log on) and has been taken away for treatment. This treatment may take a few days or a few weeks. (AAAArrrrggghhh!!)Luckily I have been given a laptop from the school I am currently working at so I have been able to load up using their machine. Unfortunately it has no editing software so all pictures will be coming 'raw' straight from the camera and I will only have this laptop until next week. Hopefully this will coincide with the return of my personal laptop.

I am slightly panicking about my ability to blip over the next few weeks but hopefully all will be resolved quickly. If I appear to drop out of blipping for a few days (the idea makes me feel physically sick..) it will be due to a lack of computer and internet access.

Off to singing tonight. That will be a good de-stresser. :-)

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