
By Grimsayer

Stormy seas and waves

Living on an island - especially when your front door is four metres above the high tide line - makes you appreciate the power of the sea. Today the wind was back up and the weather veered from clear blue skies to glowering, hard rain.
Going to check my nets were safe 300 metres away this morning ended up being an epic. It felt like an iron band had been put around my head and was being steadily tightened as the rain and hail hit me at what seemed tremendous speed.
The image above was on Baleshare in one of those periods of transition from gloom to sun. You cannot see it on a still photo but, from some reason, the waves were bouncing back off the beach and where the incoming waves met the outgoing ones, a huge column of spray was generated. The outgoing wave carried on through and then reappeared again, albeit reduced, still going out to fight its next battle.
A great example of interference of waves for the physicists with not a single incomprehensible massless particle in sight in this photongraph. It was at that stage in Physics A level many years ago I lost the plot, never really to regain it. Give me a Newtonian world any day!

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