Welcome to my world...

By KatJ

Brave girl

Got one of those sickening phonecalls from the school today. Becca had had a bad accident. She apparently ran into the end of her hockey stick in PE and winded herself. She then felt dizzy so tried to go and tell the teacher but blacked out and smashed her face on the concrete as she went down. She remembers nothing from feeling a bit dizzy to coming round in the medical room at school.

She has a broken (adult) tooth and probably a broken nose. I took her home, dosed her up and put ice packs on her bloody swollen face and nose. My lovely friend (and Becca's BFFs mum) came round with supplies of ibuprofen. Lots of mums from school texted for news.

4 hours later her nose was still oozing and it was more watery than blood so off to A&E we went. A base of skull fracture was suspected so after a discussion with neurosurgery the A&E team sent her for a CT head scan- the worry was that the fluid coming out of her nose was coming from around the brain. Thankfully the scan was clear, brain and skull intact so we were allowed home about 1am!

Will need to see ENT regarding the suspected broken nose and the dentist about the broken tooth.

Becca has been such a brave girl this evening. She sobbed when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time but hopefully time will heal.

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