Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Stray cats

Some days photos have more of a story than others. In this case it may not be the best shot however it is one that tells a story!

A few days ago at work 2 cats appeared at the front doors looking for food or attention .the weekend went by and the cats where still near the front door on Monday morning. The cats look like they lived together and they also looked healthy just hungry. By Monday night after calling the city and trying to have the cats removed we were told the city would only pick them up if they had been trapped. That did not happen they also found out if the cats were brought to the local shelter they might have to be put down. The box was put out on Monday night with a blanket and they seemed to make it home. Tuesday with the cats still at the front door a pet taxi was going to be brought in and the cats will be brought to a shelter that will not put down the animals. My part in this has been to bring in some soft food for them to eat.

The second part to this story how the cats may have arrived at the door step. They easy part was some inconsiderate person just dumped them off. However I believe this person was trying to bring the cats to a local shelter that had just been shut down to to over crowding . The shelter was the spot were I got my two cats. Tomorrow I hope they will still be around and the will be brought to safe shelter.

I just wish that people would not do this to there pets these animals have no idea what is happening and likely no idea how to get proper food or shelter .

On other topic I went to Henry's camera shop tonight and got my lens adaptor and ring which seems to work ok I took few test shots and it works. I also got out the tripod tonight and took. A few shots of the moon until the cold wind made me stop shot -3c was the temp at the time

I have posted the moon shots on my Flickr account

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