
By ApeMcDoug10

Back to Angelo I go

Had dinner tonight with a close friend and sorority sister of mine in Angelo. We went to a new place that popped up since I graduated in 2010 in downtown.

It was great seeing and catching up with her! She's done great things since she's graduated, I'm so excited to see where she will go next in this life.

After dinner I had the hour drive back to Sonora but my oh my, let me tell you about the stars off US-277. I literally had to pull over when I got a glance of the millions sparkling in at me through my window. I hadn't seen that many since I was a kid growing up in the sticks. Awestruck doesn't begin to describe it. Actually, I wanted to open my star gazer app to better understand what I was looking at. While doing this, I failed to see the cop who pulled up behind me on the side of the road since my phone was blaring my app's far-out music over my car speakers. Yeah, I totally thought he was a serial killer when I looked up and saw headlights in my rear-view mirror. Turns out it was the cop I saw last night in the ER... He had apparently driven by me 2-3x and noticed I was on the side of the road all those times and turned my lights off the last time so he wanted to make sure something bad didn't happen. Way to make an impression, April.


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