
By annabelrosewats

Boracay Sunset

Very late morning for us both. Dutch bitch came to town and what dis she have to bring with her....bloody ants!! It was annoying that she came because it meant that Morag couldn't switch to the bottom bunk but in the end it turned out really well. She said that the food that was under her bed wasn't hers and the guy before must of left it. What she didn't know is that we knew the guy before and Simmonds definitely wouldn't have eaten lychees! So she brought the ants in.
Morag and I went to get a very late breakfast, sadly there were no croissants left. Had a wander around the place. We watched the sunset on the beach. Beautiful sunset with lots of sailing boats making it look even more pretty. After the sunset we went back to our hostel to find ants all over my bed. The worst part is that the ants bite!! We had a shower and then went out.
Met 2 Portuguese guys and a lovely girl from Hong Kong. She was so funny and the 2 guys were really nice. Stayed with them all for the night! When heading back to bed I basically slept with the ants!

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