
By Charlie17


Lucy is not a pure bred beagle
She looks like one
She sounds like one
And she certainly behaves like one.
They say you can easily spot a beagle owner. They are the ones standing in the middle of a field with a dog lead in their hand shouting for a dog that is nowhere to be seen!!!
That was me yesterday. I took the dogs to the beach and at one point, Lucy, followed by Joe, decided to go walkabout.
They returned about ten minutes later!!!!!
She has just about got over the fireworks but she is still looking up now and again just in case.
There was an item on BBC Breakfast today about plans to build a breeding centre for beagles to be used for research. The argument for it was that it would be less distressing for the dogs to be transported short distances as opposed to being imported!
Incidentally, it was reported yesterday that 1.3 million animals, mainly mice, were killed for research purposes in British Universities last year!!
We saw Roger Mcguinn a few years back. It would have been great to see The Byrds but .....
Here he is with Turn, Turn, Turn.

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