Problem Solved

As some of you 10 daughter is getting married. Things need to be done...details need to be worked out.

I was in my kitchen...having an Elvis Presley English muffin (peanut butter and bananas.) I glanced out my back window, and saw a blue jay and a sparrow trying to get a drink out of my birdbath. Problem? Birdbath...frozen solid.

I filled a 1 liter bottle with hot water, and poured it over the ice, least they could skim some water off the top. But, a half hour later...with the temperature creeping up to 32F...the ice was dislodged.

Back to the wedding...back to the details.

I assume we're going to have punch...punch in a bowl. Punch in a bowl needs to be kept cold...kept cold with ice. VOILA!!!

A perfect circle of ice. Slap a couple of those cheap little birds on the rim of the bowl...and we're good to go.

Let me see...nine nights left...nine more perfect circles of ice. All I have to do is harvest it. The punch stays cold...and the birds get water. Everybody wins.

Now you see why our family wedding planners are not letting me help much. I guess they have a problem with progressive thinking.

Problem...not solved.

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