leaving again!

we joked a lot about how hard it was when i left in february. we all wept buckets last time, buckets that kept on coming for days, but this time felt better. thankfully.

this picture is quite significant because it shows the school mission house and my two favourite people. so much is changing in zambia right now and i feel like it will never really be the same again. not worse or better, just different.

lots of people are leaving the country, including the sm directors, john and priya. the work will continue under a new ministry but will remain as 'school mission', something that i am very thankful for. the sm house is now in a 'trust' and will be used by the new school mission team and the other ministry. it's sad and exciting all at the same time. i met with samuel, the son of the sm founder, while i was out there as he will be taking over much of the work of sm. really encouraged by his heart for the work and to hear that school mission won't be ending. even more exciting is that i still get to be a part of it! so very mixed, happy/sad feelings. so much will be different the next time i visit.

and the twins. oh my, i love them so much and am so proud of the beautiful people they are. twin #1 (esneya: right) took over much of my work when i left and has now secured a full time position with the people who are taking over school mission. she absolutely excels at her work and it's so cool to see. she even (reluctantly) loves the dogs! what a girl.

twin #2 has also excelled at her work, doing occasional training programmes with john and priya. she has a big heart and bigger potential. i know this girl is going to be someone who does great things in zambia. meanwhile, the exciting news in that she is probably going to be coming to england next year. the plan is for her to do some training in christian counselling and childhood/teenage psychology as well as being our first ever zambian intern at shrewsbury youth for christ. i can't wait for her to come here but i am even more excited about what she will achieve in zambia as a result.

so. that was zambia. amazing. my face is a little leaky tonight but nothing that a good night of sleep won't sort out.

and thanks to my mum and dad putting up some curtains in my bedroom while i was away, it certainly will be a good night's sleep!

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