Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

When Life Throws You Lemons..Make Lemon Oil!

A more than interesting day...beginning with a trip up the Abu Dhabi highway to keep an appointment with my Oncologist..Dr Andre. So thrilled that he doesn't want to see me again for four rendevous will be in March! Yippee! Plenty of tests to undergo before then..but for now....all clear is the measure of the day!!

Home to a rest followed by an hour's tutoring then GK and I hit the town with a visit to the newly refurbished and recently re-opened Carluccio's down by the fountain in Dubai Mall for a mini celebration of the good news. What an amazing place...and it seems to be so spacious now although the floor area is just the same.. goes to show how important a little shuffle can be!! Well done Carluccios'

So love their displays, their fresh food, their scrumptious desserts and their warm warm welcome!

Needless to say its bed time now or the morning will be here before I know it and school calls!.....but it will also soon be weekend!!

Have a great 13.11.13

Happy Blipping Everyone

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