Learning day by day

By EmmaF


What a 24hrs. Jim has been unwell for a week, went to GP yesterday am, referred to medicine at QE as Lister was apparently full. So after picking up W from nursery we headed down to Welwyn. W was a little star, spending almost two hours in the café, eating lunch then colouring in and reading books. meanwhile Jim was being poked and prodded.

When W and I left to pick up Carys, we were no further forward and a chest x-ray and head CT were being requested. A bit later Nanna came to hold the fort and I headed back down the A1. CT and X-ray were clear but finally they decided to keep him in and he was transferred to a ward around 10pm. At this point I left and came home.

After more bloods this morning which showed nothing they decided to let him go. So I headed back to pick him up. I also finally found some one who was happy to talk to me at a level above patronizing and who quickly realised from my questions that I have some 'background'. So I was much happier as I was given the figures that go along with the bloods etc. At the moment they are working on a migraine or complication of his URTi. So finger in the wind I feel, but at least meningitis was ruled out.

Almost forgot to blip yesterday, but even in his pain Jim managed to ask if I had taken a photo! Hence the poor quality of yesterdays blip and the fact that this one is truly uninspired.

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