Alive in Wales

By MartinLOBrien

Llanelli Town Hall

Took this blip of the Llanelli Town Hall as I walked past it today. Had a play with the sky to add effect using Gimp. Here is some history of the building if you're interested.

In August 1892 a competition for the best design for a new town hall for Llanelli was decided, the architect Charles Barry, appointed official adjudicator, considered the twenty five plans submitted. The winning design was ‘Motto Equity’ submitted by Simon & Tweedie of Edinburgh, and ‘Falcon’ submitted by William Griffiths, Estate Agent of Thomas Street, Llanelli, was second. The Board did not make an instant decision and after lengthy discussions and great deliberations, it was decided to accept the design ‘Falcon’ submitted by the local architect. The decision to accept was carried by eleven votes to four. As compensation the first prize money of 50 guineas was given to Simon & Tweedie. The building was constructed and opened in 1896 and is still in use today.

The Llanelli Town Hall was officially opened by Mrs D A Jones, wife of Dr James Arthur Jones, the Chairman of the Llanelly Urban District Council in the presence of a host of local dignitaries and thousands of spectators on Tuesday 31 March 1896. The list of official guests at the official opening read like a ‘Who’s Who’ of Llanelli: J S Tregoning; Dr S J Roderick; J Maybery; R C Jenkins; R Guest, David Evans; John Jennings; David Randall; George Watkeys; Alderman David Evans; Joseph Joseph; Gwilym Evans; W W Brodie; J Beavan Phillips; D W Rees; Architect William Griffiths; Contractor T P Jones; Choral Society Leader John Thomas and Caterer Mrs Bazzard.

The spectators were entertained by the Town Band under the leadership of Sergeant Samuel and the official celebratory luncheon, organised by the Council, at a total cost of 2s 6d.was held at the Athenaeum. Mrs Bazzard of the adjoining Salutation Hotel provided catering for the official function. After lunch there were 32 speeches which were followed by a free concert at the Market Hall. Local artistes, assisted by the Llanelly Choral Society under the leadership of John Thomas, gave their services to entertain the guests.

1913 On Saturday August 23 1913 the formal proclamation of the Charter of Incorporation was made from the balcony of the Town Hall. This was followed by a large procession of representatives from most of the public bodies in the town and district, accompanied by four brass bands, which proceeded to Parc Howard where another meeting was held and more speeches were made.

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