Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Handy Bird

The rosellas are far far harder than the king parrots to photograph with a 50mm lens. Such nervy, flighty things. I can't (yet) get anywhere near as close to them; the challenge is enjoyable though. The crappy light also affected the quality of this shot, with low-ish shutter speed, high-ish ISO, and crappy focus (due to neither me nor the camera being able to see properly). However, I do like the way this turned out, looking almost as if the rosella was reaching out a (non-existent) hand.

Larger handy bird.

I got a new/old toy today: a Nikon N2000, with Tokina 60-300mm lens. A nurse at work had picked it up in a Council clean-up, and never used it, so offered it to me. I have discovered that I can get an adaptor to fit the lens onto my Pentax, and am also considering whether or not to have a play around with film, as the camera seems to work.

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