
By Grimsayer

Look who is coming to dinner!

We are off island for six weeks from this weekend and so have been busy stocking up on supplies. These two little Salar darlings join a whole lamb, a whole Stornoway Black Pudding, three geese and half a deer in the car on its journey south to house-sit for some old friends in Devon. We won't be starving even if/when we have a houseful.
Combining this with the local vegetable box scheme, the shellfish available - freely so in the case of mussels and cockles 100 metres from the house - and the diet here can be a healthy one. It is great to be able to maintain that sustainability, seasonality and regionality of diet that the British have so nearly lost.
In the Ardeche the French get this right by caring and strenuously defending the traditions. The similarities of the life of the Hebridean crofter and of the Ardeche paysan. Not that there aren't great differences too! Water poses very different problems in the two places for example.
More work on our take on lazy beds today and they are almost done. The winter will help the seaweed rot and then we shall plant the beds up early in Spring. My role is moving the rocks that Tricia uncovers - I look forward to using them in that three dimensional jigsaw puzzle that is wall building on our return in early January.

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