By the light of the rising moon

Some days I go for a run, not because I want to or because I have to for my training, but because I need to. There is no choice.

Today was one of those days. When I got home from work my head was all cluttered, so I pulled on my running gear and trusty head torch and headed out.

Running is where I do my best thinking, primarily because it clears my mind and the only thing I end up focusing on is the words to We Built this City [or insert any other cheesy 80s music].

It was much darker out than when I went last night. What a difference an hour makes. The head torch was definitely much needed tonight. Apologies for the poor photo quality - I'm afraid the iPhone can't do any better in the dark. I do like the way you can see the moon rising behind Salisbury Crags though.

Anyway, now I'm home, chilling in the bath, my head is nice and clear and I'm looking forward to a good weekend (when it comes).

Today's run: 4 miles
November running mileage: 33 miles
2013 running mileage: 947 miles

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