West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Grey Day to Chase the Blues Away

This has been a hard week, news that stirred emotions, the emotions that run deep, so deep you feel it all the way to your soul.you may think these are just words but words cannot express strongly enough how I feel at times.

Again the river called, her tranquillity and quiet repose calming as she always is. I hope that these shots, similar as they are, hold your enjoyment, I love this place and never tire of her changing faces with the changing seasons as turns another year. The first serious snows of winter are being forecast and it may make shooting here somewhat more difficult but perhaps more beautiful in some ways but in the interim I needed to shoot here these last few days.

No matter how great the distance between us and the ones we love they know we are there for them, never above, never behind, always right there beside them, take a little time to tell the ones you hold dear what they mean to you, never let any opportunity to see them slip away,even if it is a mad drive to simply say hello, a stolen moment in time, it will be worth every second...

I hope you enjoy the shot tonight and it really best in large

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