What a star!

How is it that when you set out to replicate a blip, you find something else? I'd arranged to meet a lady at Cafe Rouge at the Marina this morning, to talk about a Flickr group she's set up called 'Oh to be in Sussex'. I met her on the Scott Kelby photowalk, and she asked me to contribute some of my photos to the group, and her plans are to either do an exhibition next year, or maybe produce a book. As she lives locally I suggested we meet up, and she brought two books along with her that she's basing her group on, so I've now got the right idea of the kind of things she's looking for.

It was another lovely day so I decided I'd walk the 3 miles to the Marina, and planned to blip the boats that I didn't blip the other day. I had 3 challenges on my walk: 1) to get my blip 2) to take some shots for 'Oh to be in Sussex', and 3) to find things to photograph for a challenge that we've been set by the leader of our photographic group. We have to find objects to spell the word FOCUS.

I said to Alan this morning that I didn't think I'd take part in the challenge as I'm not feeling creative enough, however on my walk I started looking around me. I really enjoyed looking for things, and I've actually found everything I need to do it! I also spotted this Seagull with something in its mouth, but I couldn't make out what it was, so I zoomed in and took the shot anyway before it flew off. It was only afterwards when checking the photo that I saw it was a star fish. I decided straight away that this had to be today's blip, so the boats will have to wait for yet another day!

Tonight Alan and I are going to a wine tasting evening at Ten Green bottles, so I'm going to make a curry for when he gets in from work and then we'll get the bus into town, and then tomorrow, I've organised a Blip meet in Brighton and there are about 10 of us meeting up for lunch. It'll be nice to see some blippers again that are now friends, and also to meet up with the others who I've never met before.

Anyway, I'll go and get the curry on, hope you have a nice weekend!

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