Life In Wales

By KarenC

Early Bird

We were up early this morning as we were having our central heating service done before going to work. Louis took an instant dislike to the engineer, he barked and growled at him as soon as he arrived and then kept grumping the whole time he was here.

So I took a few photos of Louis 'the guard dog' and planned to blip one of him, but as I was making breakfast Alan pointed out this little Blue Tit who kept flying around our terrace. He was very quick but I managed to get this shot of him through the window - I'm surprised how well it's turned out as I didn't expect it to be in focus at all. Then a second Tit arrived and they looked like they were looking for somewhere to nest, or maybe looking for food, so I've put some bread out in case they come back.

Anyway, time to get ready for work - hope you have a good day whatever you're doing!

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