Write off

Today has been a write off! A total sofa day and I've slept most of it.

At 2am I knew I was in trouble. When I woke properly my cold had gone straight to my chest and my voice had done a complete runner. Unusually for me I went straight to the doc, not that that did me any good. "I think it is viral so antibiotics are no good. Just rest, drink and Ibuprofen." "What about my voice?" I whispered. Same reply. "Rest your voice for 3 - 4 days, don't over strain it." That's easier said than done at the weekend!!! Let's hope my voice returns over night and that I feel better in the morning.

I was supposed to be going to Huddsbird's tonight for a long overdue catch up and a good day out tomorrow. That has had to be postponed. That means I have also lost my willing model for the camera school module 2 of portrait - drat!

I can tell I wasn't well today as I wasn't even interested in playing with photos on the computer! I was just about to go to bed when I realised I hadn't done a blip. I have some flowers which are now going over so I chose the best for a quick picture I didn't have to think about. Worth trying large.

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