Thank you and Goodnight xXx

Firstly, thank you to all my blip buddies and blippers I have never even spoken to, for all your support and kind words over the last week or so following the very tragic and far too early passing of my good friend Emma's beloved husband.

She had his 'Leaving Do' yesterday as my regular followers know.

I have to say, through the tears, it was just THE most amazing day. I have never been to a 'Leaving Do' like it. It was just incredible. Emma refuses to call it a funeral.

The crematorium was bursting (with West Ham colours!). Some friends didn't even get inside the door! The saddest part had to be how everyone fell totally silent as Nicky Boy arrived followed by Emma and her 2 young children. All you could hear was sniffing. I'm welling up just writing this!

Once we were inside, the atmosphere brightened up and we all laughed and cried to 'Rule the World' by Take That and 'Club Tropicana' by Wham!!!! and we all had to stand up and sing 'I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles'!!!!! The speeches were oh so moving and again very funny and we ended with an arms raised clap to 'Never Forget' by Take that, started off by Emma.

The 'after party' was back at Nicks pub, the Heathy Farm Crawley, that was closed to business but you have never seen it so full!!!! There must have been in excess of 250 family and friends and the party carried on well into the wee hours - so Iv heard!!!

On our way home, I stopped and bought Emma a Willow Tree figurine called 'Angel of Comfort' of a little angel holding a chocolate Labrador and dropped it off on her doorstep. Emma has decided to get a chocolate Lab to help her recover and she has waited very patiently for over a year for a dog. She picks up the little girl on Sunday. She will be called Hammer. As you can tell from the colours of the ribbon, Nick was a huge West Ham fan. Probably the biggest!!!

I shall end this very long blip (sorry) with Nicks poem. It too, was very funny.

Oh dear, if youre reading this right now,
I must have given up the ghost.
I hope you can forgive me for being
such a stiff and unwelcoming host.

Just talk amongst yourself my friends,
and share a toast or two.
For I am sure you will remember me well
how I loved to drink with you.

Don't worry about mourning me
I was never easy to offend
Feel free to share a story at my expense
and we'll have a good laugh at the end!

Emma, you are just amazing. That's all I can say.


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