
By kas18

Happy Chappy.

Hi Tom

Not a lot happened again today. I spent most of the day sorting Nicks stuff out for his trip to Barcelona. He's going to see the Arctic Monkeys over there. Once again it was all last minute washing and ironing being done.

My friend came for coffee which gave me a break. It was lovely catching up with her and hearing about her new man.

The window cleaner also called today. He's always happy. No matter what he always has a smile on his face. He asked after you and wondered how you were getting on. He's such a nice man. He always comes in and does my kitchen windows on the inside as a favour. He was amused as to why I was taking photos of him.

Tonight Oscar has excelled himself at being naughty. His little trick of climbing on the table and steeling and ripping up anything paper went to another level. He chewed Nicks Euros. He went mad. In Oscars defence he's doesn't know if it's toilet paper or money. But the little monkey only ever gets on the table when no one is about. He took the money when Nick was in the shower. Nick on the other hand knows he takes things off the table so shouldn't leave anything on it. Well as you can imagine he got a good telling off.

It was freezing on the poolside, yet again, tonight. I'm not looking forward to working in that tomorrow. Something has gone wrong with the heating system. I hope they sort it soon as it's very unpleasant.

Hope you enjoy your fancy dress party. Take photos for me. X

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