
By mollymay49


We both down to Sara's place this afternoon, she kindly cut our hair making us both feel tons better!! there were two little fragile boys i could have blipped there but both had a late night with having school friends for a sleep over last night and they were awake and chatting until past midnight! Neither Koen or Jacob wanted to be blipped today! I can't blame them, usually they are more responsive..

I decided the shells wouldn't give me too hard a time of it for the "fragile" topic today's challenge, I seemed to have picked up a couple of reflections as well our son in law was inadvertently in the way of the shot, in fact there is plenty of fragile going on on this image.
My sis Anniemay did advise me I could blip myself today seeing as we are both still slightly fragile, but I rather like to think we are out of that stage of the virus now and well and truly moving on and definitely feeling less fragile....
Thank you to all my friendly blippers who left get well messages, you are all a truly lovely bunch of people, they helped speed up our recovery!!

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