Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Horizontal Stripe

Here comes a story
In the late 70's, totaly exhausted by the intolerable responsibilities, with no power to exercise them, of being a Midwife in a busy provincial hospital, I left that profession to naively engage with academia,imagining then, it would provide answers. Can I hear you all laughing??.
After a couple of years of a degree I gave that up too and spent a winter back in my Yorkshire cottage wondering : what next?.
I wanted to develop a craft skill, then suddenly realised I already had one, but didn't name it as such : I could knit!!.
I've long liked that beautiful things should have a hard wearing, every day function. I explored the traditional knitting patterns of the North East Coast fishing communities. Each village had it's own distinctive patterns, so drowned fishermen couldbe recognised.
I wanted to add my own take on this, adding colour to the patterns of Tree of Life.
Patrick Herons horizontal stripe paintings realy spoke to me. He was responding to the changing light on the West Penwith Cornish Coast. Mine is Sunsets at Sark in the channel Isles.
You can see Patrick's paintings at here ; Enjoy.

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