Art & Design

Today Daughter has decided to work on her design project for art.

She was a little unhappy about her art teachers comments at parents night.

Part of her course work involves designing and making a sporran with Scottish / African influences. She had designed a very tasteful, sleek design but after being shown some of last years finished sporrans that the teacher was impressed with it has become apparent that the more clutter however distasteful is the way to go. She is not particularly happy that she will have to change her design however it has to be done.

Fortunately we are a 'crafty' family and have lots of material, beads, buckles etc. for her to experiment with. I pity the kids that don't have these extra resources at hand as their choices will be a little more limited. I can also see that her enthusiasm is withering.

I am struggling with this too. I almost feel that her creativity is being stifled. Her current art teacher may not be enthused by her work but previous teachers have. The only consolation is that we know of a previous pupil who was given similar criticism from this teacher and was advised not to bother applying to Glasgow School of Art as she didn't have the required skills. That same pupil has recently obtained a degree from Glasgow School of Art and has two London based companies wanting to work with her!

Would be so much easier if there was just right or wrong / yes or no / black or white answers.

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