
I've been to the cinema this afternoon.

My friends will be amazed to read that. I never go to the cinema. I never know ANY of the film answers on "Pointless" and my only, rare experience of blockbusters is on long haul flights.

I'm known to be NOT a fan of sticky carpets, the overwhelming stench of stale fast food, that sickly popcorn smell, chatting, texting, seat kicking and so on....

I loved the Elite Cinema in Uttoxter when I was a child. The excitement of the Saturday evening out (the one day we had a bus later than six pm.) But in the autumn of my years, I'm far less tolerant and far too fussy.

But at Barton Marina, they've just opened a beautiful, brand new, tiny cinema. It's actually a Café and Cinema. Comfy seats, brand new and clean, people interested in the film (so far), plenty of parking - and all that for a fiver before five pm. Let's hope The Red Carpet have correctly spotted a niche in the market. As I left there were happy kids in fancy dress assembling for a fun event....

I love Judi Dench and in her latest, "Philomena", she is terrific as the Irish lady in search of her snatched son.... to be recommended.

My blip is of the beech leaves just outside my house. By the time I had been to M&S to collect my ordered thermal underwear, it was too dark to venture further. Thermal underwear ? All will be revealed next weekend (well, not the underwear of course........)

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