
Spent a really great couple of hours in town with Daisy, she does make me laugh ever such a lot. Had to buy myself some new makeup as I have just plain lost my makeup bag. I wear it so rarely that I thought I wouldn't be bothered and it would turn up sooner and later. But I was finding myself increasingly bothered, must be my pasty winter face causing the issue.

Then Will and I had to go to Hobby Craft to satisfy his ever increasing hama beads habit. Took my camera as I thought the sunset was about to be lovely. No actual card in the camera though and it was a stunner! Took some crap photos with my phone, then bought about hundred bulbs for practically no money in the garden centre.

The moon, happily stayed in place and lovely for when I got home and could reunite my camera and card. There is now lots of peaceful hama bead activity throughout the house and Borgen is on tonight!! A really quite lovely day.

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