Countdown to Christmas

You'll deduce from the Lego that I didn't make it to Ely cathedral for the Christmas fair today! Already dizzy, it didn't seem a good idea to drive, spend an hour finding somewhere to park, pay to go in, then have to leave shortly after due to the lights & noise!

Instead, I wrapped my brother's birthday present, did some Christmas shopping online and tidied the kitchen.

I didn't buy the special Lego Christmas set last year as it was ridiculously expensive, this year they've seen the error of their ways and though not cheap, much more reasonable :)

In other news, my hospital letter finally arrived! &, while I'm thankful that my thyroid is healthy and I don't need vitamin B12 injections, I'm frustrated that yet again they're trying to pass me back to my GP instead of the forward referral to neurology I was led to believe I'd get. More chasing & waiting!

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