Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Keep looking up.

True to form, my exceptionally crap run of luck this year (following on from a pretty cruddy three years), things have become so much more difficult.
I had to front the tenancy tribunal again on Thursday (while very unwell from the medication increase to address the crippling back injury - I was violently ill, meaning I was hurting my back more in the puke process, unable to keep down pain relief; along with being barely able to stand, dizzy and quite incoherent - meaning it was actually a very unfair hearing). It had been an ongoing thing since August.
Backstory: I had rent and bills money as well as my camera gear stolen from my house in June. As a single mum, and professional photographer this was a massive setback. I provided real estate with a copy of the police report, and a statutory declaration saying that when my tax return came through I would provide the entirety to the nearest full dollar in order to get back on track, and had also sold some of my things to catch up. But the landlord who had been failing to uphold their end if the legal requirement wasn't happy enough with the proposal, and tried to have me evicted, which I appealed through the tenancy tribunal. The judge was a hardass and wanted to go ahead with it, despite the landlord's non-attendance, and real estate siding with me saying that I was actually paid up to date, which was an extreme effort on my part given the circumstances. The judge ruled that I could stay, but if I fell so much as one day behind again, the landlord should pursue eviction - because she failed to listen to the evidence stacked up against the landlords from both myself and the agent as she deemed it irrelevant to the case.
As promised, I supplied my tax return to the nearest full dollar when it came through, which had me paid up until Wednesday... Handy, because I missed an appointment with the government benefits agency - I was three days post-emergency appendectomy. I showed up at the office as soon as possible, but apparently it needed to be scheduled (even though it would only be a 10 minute appointment). Between recovery from surgery, then having measles 10 days later, then this back injury, I could not commit to a set time, so my payment has never been reinstated.
After that hearing, I made a counter-claim against the landlord, which was supported by real estate, as we both had substantial evidence to support my claim. And along the way the landlord provided police with a falsified document from the tribunal saying I'd missed a hearing (which there was no record of) and a warrant of possession was delivered to me. I managed to get that put on hold with an emergency hearing, despite being very unwell that day.
So. Thursday. Same hardass judge as the original hearing. The landlord was not in attendance again, because realistically, how can they defend not meeting their legal requirements at all since April, as well as providing police with fraudulent documents? The judge asked how I was with my rent, and the agent stated that I was one day behind, but my pay was due the next day which would cover a week and a bit. Suddenly my counter-claim became irrelevant, despite a memeber of Victoria Police being there as part of my evidence. On my way to court, I had a document printed off by the government benefits organisation stating that I have an appointment this coming Monday which would not only reinstate my payments, but also provide 10 weeks of back-pay, which I said I would be giving straight to real estate, and would be paid up until nearly the end of January - the lease ends in March.
But, my proposal meant nothing to her. I was a day behind, and with the landlord not there to either accept or decline my proposal, she decided that I was to be evicted, even though within a week I would be more than two months ahead. It wouldn't matter if I pay on Wednesday or not, there will be a warrant ordered on the 21st stating that if my son and I are not vacated by December 5thx we will be removed by the very police officer who has been fighting so hard for me.... And made sure she knew I was being 'gracious' by granting me an extra week based in my crippling injury, which she had a very detailed report from my doctor.... Gracious, my arse.

So. I have less than three weeks to pack up a house and somehow find somewhere to live (cannot move in with the boyfriend, as both of his brothers have just moved into his place for a while)....
Its going to be an incredibly tough few weeks, but I just need to keep looking up. For my son's sake I cannot give up.

And if you have made it this far, I commend you. I needed to vent, as this isn't something the majority if ny 'friends' have let me tell them.

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