Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Sacré bleu / Lumbosacral bleurgh

Before I explain the title of today's journal, this image was the silver lining of sorts I needed after another case of "what the hell else can go wrong"...
Little dude was student of the week last week, and awarded a laminated certificate at school assembly today. He was pretty darn proud.... As was I

Anywho. Sacré bleu / Lumbosacral bleurgh...
I've been talking about a back injury for a few weeks - what started as a niggle got worse and I slipped a disc in my Lumbosacral area, which got worse in a week two two slipped discs, which got worse in a week with a third threatening to go, which got worse with the third slipped as well and all three slipped discs are pressing against the nerves and there is some calcification happening between the discs which means they are having trouble getting back into place. Any further displacement risks paralysis, so I have been referred to a neurosurgeon...
Given the circumstances with me being required to vacate the house I'm living by November 21st, with a warrant of posession to be executed no later than December 5th, quickly packing a house and trying to find a new place isn't exactly going to be good for my back.
My GP sent off a detailed report to the tenancy tribunal requesting an extension because it isn't worth risking paralysing a young mother because of a landlord who is beyond dodgy and a hardass judge who doesn't listen to evidence because extenuating circumstances mean nothing to her. The tribunal told him that they agree, however it has to be put forward to the landlord to either approve or decline, but they would be callous to decline.
He forwarded the report to my real estate agent, who called me to say he wad going to print it off and personally deliver it to the owner, and said that he would support me in any legal action if they declined and ended up in worse condition - because neglecting their legal responsibilities as a landlord and falsifying documentation provided to police wasn't already enough of a case against him.
He refused to look at the request. He declined the request, despite the landlord saying that by declining he risks paralysing a young mum, which would be grounds for me to sue and they would end up worse off than they already will be. He still declined.

To say I am now terrified would be an understatement.

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