Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin


I've honestly never been in a Dollarama! I must say, they're every bit as marvelous as JaneW says they are.

Aisles and aisles of stuff! There must've been four aisles of Christmas wrap and decorations and crafty Christmas things. I'll be interested to see what they're filled with after Christmas.

Has an aisle or two of rather dodgy looking food items.

I bought a set of Betty Crocker measuring cups that has a 3/4 cup measure (never seen one) and matches (to light fires) and pipe cleaners (to clean pipes ... pipes on the gas campfire, not Rob Ford type pipes) and cork pot stands that I'm not entirely sure are real, actual cork. Something about the texture. I shall have to keep my eye on them.

I shall have to stop in one day when I've got more time and need a whole bunch of stuff that I don't really need.

Anyway ... 100 (cents in a dollar).

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