
By Stace91

All Aboard!!

Last Day of Katy's Hens Weekend.
Today we went dolphin watching. What an experience!

Hadn't been on a boat before so it was interesting, swaying with the boat praying I don't get seasick... I was all good! Travelling tablets are a god send!

Though it was raining it was still a pleasant trip. We got to see some dolphins but they move to fast that I couldn't get a photo. The guy on the boat said that a single breath can last a dolphin 15 minutes under water and with two flicks of the tail they can go 6 body lengths so you have to be quick to see them.

We saw a group of them near some rocks playing and one turned on his side and waved his flipper, it was quite cute. Not sure if he was saying hi or "back off humans!!" But I would like to think he was polite :-)

They are so cute!! We also got to swim next to them in a net but it was heaps cold, with the wedding coming up I can't afford to get sick so I didn't go in but our friends did and they had a ball.

One of the dolphins came up to the boat and came out of the water a bit, it was a little sad though cause he had been in a fight and was injured :-( but I guess that is how it is in the wild. It was nice to them though, I find sea creatures so wonderfully interesting.

Still can feel like I'm swaying but it was a nice day :-)

Katy looked like she had fun too so that's the most important part.

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