Cocktail Cabinet
Yesterday Jay opened our larder cupboard door and a brand new bottle of ketchup fell out at his feet. A clear sign that we could no longer continue to cram in new shopping at the front with no real idea what was lurking at the back.
So today I cleared it all out. Some things are very clear:
1. I only ever use the a few walnuts out of a bag and put the rest in a jar (3 jars found)
2. Jay needs to stop buying Stevia and start eating (using??) it (4 jars found)
3. I need a recipe for something that includes dried up dried apricots, figs and dates. And dried up honey. I am thinking there must be one thing I can make that will use all of this up.
It was all very satisfying and now there is loads of space. I did also discover I have some type of cocktail cabinet, I had no idea I owned any of these things. Sadly the advocaat will have to be thrown out (do you think the "use within six months" thing is actually real?), thus depleting it further. I like the idea of a better cocktail cabinet, I think I will ask for one for Christmas.
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