Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Zu and Chan*

Got to my in-town hotel no problem this morning. It was a really beautifully clear day with clouds in the sky, and gorgeous lighting. I had to be at the hotel to "open" two courses which means I welcome the delegates and speaker and give them some helpful housekeeping rules. I've never done this before but I did get to watch my boss open 4 courses last Sunday. Zu (on the left) was very helpful and stood in the back of the room for my first spiel. No adverse remarks from her, so I went off fairly confidentally to do the second one.

G had a day off so I came home for lunch. YIPEE! So great to get out of the office and return having done your teeth! A follow up with my endocrinologist at the end of the day which took forever! All good and necessary though. I'm afraid I am falling asleep sitting up so will leave it at that. :))

The Dubai Airshow started today. Unfortunately, they are not using the airport in town so no amazing air displays to watch just looking out the window from my desk. We had a really bad sandstorm in the afternoon (blipped by Jellyfox).

*Short for Zubaida & Chandrika

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