Family of three.

By livingbythesea

The track

Slightly earlier start to the day today but not awful only about 7am. I had quite an unsettled night with lots of bad dreams, not much fun tbh and woke feeling fairly unsettled. Paul popped out to get some bits for breakfast and came back with a bunch of roses to cheer me up as he said I looked so sad. What an absolute darling.

We spent the day quite lazily and then this afternoon whilst the rest of the stayed in Erin and I went out for a walk and finally found the sloes I need to make the sloe gin. Really struggled to get them this year so it was good to find these. We had a lovely time and a good walk too.

This afternoon we have all 3 headed home when Paul took his children back to their Mums. The children are that tired they have vegged on the sofa whilat I have pottered about getting bits done. This evening Aunty Fern is coming to babysit (I'm not sure who is more excited them or her) whilst Paul and I go with Jaynee and her husband to see the comedian Jon Richardson (from 8 out of 10 cats). I am so excited. I have a bit of a crush on him so can't wait to see him in the flesh. I hope I don't go all silly girly!!! This is going to be a greta end to a wonderful weekend.

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