The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Martian rug

The day dawned murky but mild. All plans were abandoned, as the mist was hanging about a foot above the roof, and we were sleepy still. Like many people, we are having a hard time accepting that winter weather is here. I keep hoping for just one more afternoon in the hammock....

After a lazy morning, I cracked on with my Life Writing Course work. As I wrote and wrote, the fire went out; my tea went cold, the clock struck fourteen... still I wrote! Eventually after I had submitted not one, but four, pieces of work, I attempted to move and found that my back had seized up, and the house was near-freezing! Still, a couple of hours later, we're warm, I've cooked trout for supper, and we're just wondering how to make a delicious pudding out of a bar of chocolate. Best of all, my homework is still done.

This lousy shot is of the pattern on the hall rug. It is actually red, but Martians turned it blue. It was either that or the skin of the trout, and I did not want to upset vegetarians.

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