The Hat on the Staircase...

The stories that hat could tell, if indeed it had a voice.

Interesting concept in itself, having a voice. Amazing sometimes how people who are normally so confident and outspoken completely lose their voices in certain situations and yet others, who have every reason to be shy find a new voice for themselves.

Often interesting too how some consider that you'd have a certain kind of voice and seem to know what you'd say...

Some people just never get you do they? Opinions can be blurred by their own expectations of where you fit into their lives. Funny really, as sometimes you just don't want to fit into others lives, sometimes it's just about being yourself in your own life.

The hat would tell of awkward moments this weekend, of past influences and their manipulations. It would talk about comedy moments and the invention of a new game show. It would almost shed a tear at a romantic gesture from a stranger towards a friend. It would offer advice and concern over behaviour that doesn't seem fitting and the lost opportunity of a possible happiness.

Perhaps the hat should speak...perhaps it would be better staying quiet...or just whispering into an ear every so often.

That is all.

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