Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2013 Sunday — Happy Birthday to ME!

I love celebrating my birthday more than I can ever begin to express. Maybe I feel that way because it is the only day -- the one day -- each year when it is legal to celebration me. I cheat, though, and celebrate the 17th of every month. I think every person ought to celebrate his or her birthday in some immensely special way. I realize, though, that not everyone likes that idea.

Today of course because it is Sunday started at church. I was delighted when our daughter came to church too and surprised me. Yes, she lives right here in our community but she rarely comes to church with us. Then after church we spent a couple hours together simply chatting while sipping a cup of Starbucks coffee (I almost never go to a Starbucks, and she treated).

Then this afternoon Mr. Fun and I and the three pups all hopped into the Honda CR-V and drove toward the setting sun to Orange County to the Apple Store in Fashion Island (an extremely affluent shopping area in the heart of Newport Beach).

I'll report more about the Apple Store adventure in tomorrow's blip. We made our exit from Fashion Island and drove south on the coast to Laguna Beach to a favorite little Italian restaurant. I ordered my favorite: oil & garlic with extra garlic over angel hair pasta. Mr. Fun ordered meat sauce with meatballs over penne. We shared a caesar salad. I opened a stack of envelopes that have arrived in the mail the past several days that contained birthday cards and read them to Mr. Fun while we ate. Then the waitress presented this delicious dessert: Spumoni (cherry, pistachio, and chocolate ice cream layers, and cherry bits -- yum!). The lighted candle was a delightful touch.

I arrived home to learn that a couple of our friends celebrated the arrival of a grandson today. Now I have a friend, Deb, who has a granddaughter born 4-years ago today and now this!

This has been a good birthday. Thank you to my blip friends who have send greetings even before I managed to post my birthday blip. I love Blipfoto.

Good night from the land of Birthdays!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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