Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Thinking about Music

I'm thankful for music.

I don't remember anyone reading bedtime stories to me when I was a child. However, when my sister and I would spend the night at Grammie Teele's house, she would tuck us into bed and then go to the other room, sit down at the piano and she would play and play until we would fall asleep.

I love piano music.

I love almost all music.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. The new iPhones have been purchased. One for me (for my birthday gift to myself) and one for him. Now we are trying to eliminate some glitches. I manage three email accounts: my official college email; then two hotmail accounts, one for my personal use and one for just my students. Mr. Fun also has his personal email (hotmail) account. We cannot get our phones to send emails from those hotmail accounts. The accounts do receive emails, they just will not send. So I guess it is back to the Apple Store tomorrow. These phones do have lots of wonderful features.

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