Going Home

Conor and I didn't have too bad a night on the ward, all things considered. He fell asleep about 8.30 and I went to sleep about 10. He woke up at 1.30 and after that I didn't really get much sleep at all. He woke up for the day at 7, flirted with the nurses, had his breakfast and then played in the playroom.

It took an age to be discharged, as we had to see a doctor, have the cannula removed and then wait for his discharge letter to be written up. Conor spent the time being very jovial and chatty. He really took to the little girl in the next bed and he and the 10 month baby boy next to us were fascinated by each other. The playroom was fab, with fantastic views across Glasgow, so we spent a good while in there.

Ed and Orla arrived to pick us up and after waiting in the coffee shop for a while, came up to the ward. Orla made friends with the other baby's big sister and they had great fun playing table football together. When I told her it was time to go she was very disappointed! We headed to the Red Deer for some lunch and then home, where Gran and Papa were waiting for a cuddle with Conor. They were disappointed though, as he was fast asleep. Auntie Katie and Ryan popped round later to make sure he was okay. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening snuggled up on the couch.

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