Normal Service Is Resumed

Today was a school in-service day, so Orla got an extra day off. I needed a lie-in this morning to catch up on some sleep, but once we were all up and ready we went for a walk. We parked the car at Craigmarloch (the original one) and walked up onto Croy Hill. I managed to take Ed along a path he'd never been on before. We were discussing ice ages, glaciation and erosion with Orla. She watched a YouTube film about landscapes this morning and learnt what an isthmus and a valley are. So I pointed out the Kelvin Valley below us and also the corrie on the Campsies.

We descended into Nash's orchard then walked along the canal to the Boathouse, where we had lunch. Orla ordered spaghetti and meatballs. She ate the meatballs (after getting me to scrape the tiny bits of basil off them) but wouldn't eat her spaghetti. Then when we wouldn't let her order ice cream she was trying different strategies and negotiating tactics to make us change our minds (we didn't).

Conor was so cheerful during lunch. We tried to get him to wave to us but he wouldn't, then he turned around and waved to perfect strangers. Here's a video of him playing with his book.

After lunch we walked back to Craigmarloch from Auchinstarry, trying to spot wildlife. It was really lovely on the canal today. Then we went to Gran and Papa's for a cup of tea before Tesco and then home.

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