A lesson on respect

So Dexter projectile vomited all over his pregnant class teacher yesterday. It took us all by surprise as he seemed fine apart from a very snotty nose as he has a cold. He was taken to the nurse where upon my arrival he did a song and dance for me and was very excited to learn that he could go home and eat his snack there! Hubby arranged to take the afternoon off work to look after him. Dex fell asleep in his bed and then vomited all over his bed. Lovely. Therefore it was my turn to take time off work to look after him today as children aren't allowed back in school here for up to 24 hours after they have been sick.
We had a nice day together playing and snuggling and apart from slug trails from his nose he was absolutely fine. When we picked Olivia up from school the first thing I noticed were her new boots.
The journey home included a discussion on respect. I think we made our point. Olivia was sent to her bedroom to reflect upon her behaviour and write a letter of apology (we told her not to worry about spelling etc) and she has crossed off a toy from her Christmas list and replaced it with a new boot.
I love her so much that I just melted when I read her letter and I just hope Santa can find one matching boot!

PS My Husband has had a word about the use of apostrophes, so don't worry Emma (in case you're reading)

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